USP 800 Hazardous Drugs - Republished for Comments, due May 31, 2015
(Brookfield, WI - March 8, 2015) PharmEcology Services, WM Sustainability Services.
On December 1, 2014, the Compounding Expert Committee announced its intention to republish General Chapter <800> Hazardous Drugs - Handling in Healthcare Settings in the Pharmacopeial Forum (PF). The General Chapter, which was originally published in PF 40(3) [May-June 2014], provides standards to protect personnel and the environment when handling hazardous drugs. The Compounding Expert Committee is republishing General Chapter <800> in PF 41(2) [Mar.-Apr.] due to the nature and significance of the comments received on the original PF proposal. The revision clarifies wording and reflects new and revised guidance documents and stakeholder input. Comments will be accepted until May 31, 2015. Additional information on how to access the Chapter and where to direct comments may be obtained here.
- Posted: March 18, 2015
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PharmEcology has been the thought leader in pharmaceutical waste management since its inception in 2000 and has pioneered both hazardous waste categorization and the implementation process throughout the healthcare organization.
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